Economic regionalism in federal and hybrid systems of government
2013 |
Houten, Pieter van |
Canada : federal adaptation and the limits of hybridity
2013 |
Bickerton, James |
Assessing hybridity in the People's Republic of China : the impact of post-Mao decentralization
2013 |
Henders, Susan J. |
Lebanon : the hybridity of a confessional state
2013 |
Kerr, Michael |
Austria : a federal, a decentralized unitary or a 'hybrid' state? Relations between the welfare state and the federal state after 1945
2013 |
Fallend, Franz |
Switzerland : Europe's first federation
2013 |
Dardanelli, Paolo |
Sweden : federalism in the land of centrally guided regionalization
2013 |
Eklund, Niklas |
Federalism in Ethiopia : hybridity in ambiguity?
2013 |
Vaughan, Sarah |
Czechoslovakia : a peaceful disintegration
2013 |
Illner, Michal |
Typologies of federalism
2013 |
Watts, Ronald L. |
The penumbra of federalism : a conceptual reappraisal of federalism, federation, confederation and federal political systems
2013 |
Burgess, Michael |
Territorial strategies for managing plurinational states
2013 |
Swenden, Wilfried |
Federalism, regionalism and the dynamics of party politics
2013 |
Hepburn, Eve |
The 'new regionalism' and the politics of the regional question
2013 |
Agnew, John |
Germany : federalism under unitary pressure
2013 |
Benz, Arthur |
Italy : between the hybrid state and Europe's federalizing process
2013 |
Caravita, Beniamino |
Poland : creeping regionalization of the unitary state
2013 |
Swianiewicz, Paweł |
France : from the 'one and indivisible republic' to the decentralized unitary state
2013 |
Loughlin, John |
India : a hybrid federal-unitary state?
2013 |
Saxena, Rekha |
Nigeria : a centralizing federation
2013 |
Suberu, Rotimi T. |