International law and sustainable energy : a portrait of failure
2011 |
Hodas, David |
Introduction : environmental law and sustainability after Rio
2011 |
Benidickson, Jamie |
Capacity building in environmental law in African universities
2011 |
Okidi, Charles Odidi |
Measuring the environment through public procurement
2011 |
Lugaresi, Nicola |
Mangrove swamps and sustainability
2011 |
Camargos. Marcelo Nogueira |
Achieving sustainability : plant breeders' and farmers' rights
2011 |
Bekele Tekle, Mekete |
Diffuse damages in environmental torts in Brazil
2011 |
Daibert, Arlindo |
Local Agenda 21 : a rights-based approach to local environmental governance
2011 |
Plessis, Anél du |
Brazilian 'socioambientalismo' and environmental justice
2011 |
Salles Cavedon, Fernanda de |
Risk society and the precautionary principle
2011 |
Cohen, Miriam Alfie |
The courts and public participation in environmental decision-making
2011 |
Morrow, Karen |
Towards a new theory of environmental liability without proof of damage
2011 |
González, José Juan |
Cross-border gas pipelines and sustainability in southern Africa
2011 |
Plessis, Willemien du |
Is EU climate change policy legally robust?
2011 |
Cendra de Larragán, Javier de |
Combating climate change in Uganda
2011 |
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel |
The Amazonian Treaty and harmonisation of environmental legislation
2011 |
Costa, Jose Augusto Fontoura |
Reflecting on Rio : environmental law in the coming decades
2011 |
Robinson, Nicholas A. |
A sustainable and equitable legal order
2011 |
Scholtz, Werner |
Enhanced access to environmental justice in Kenya
2011 |
Kibugi, Robert |
Transboundary aquifers : towards substantive and process reform in treaty-making
2011 |
Dellapenna, Joseph W. |