Presidential address: Forty years of price transmission research in the food industry : insights, challenges and prospects
2017 |
Lloyd, Tim A. |
Eliciting consumer WTP for food characteristics in a developing context : application of four valuation methods in an African market
2017 |
Alphonce, Roselyne |
Productivity and convergence in European agriculture
2017 |
Baráth, Lajos |
Catching up or falling behind in European agriculture : the case of milk production
2017 |
Cechura, Lukas |
Imported intermediate inputs and firms' productivity growth : evidence from the food industry
2017 |
Olper, Alessandro |
The impact of an EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement on biofuel and feedstock markets
2017 |
Beghin, John C. |
A question of integrity : variants of Bt cotton, pesticides and productivity in Pakistan
2017 |
Ma, Xingliang |
Price endogeneity and food demand in urban China
2017 |
Hovhannisyan, Vardges |
Income mobility and income inequality in Scottish agriculture
2017 |
Allanson, Paul |
The role of non-use values in dairy farmers' willingness to accept a farm animal welfare programme
2017 |
Schreiner, Julia A. |
Is passive farming a problem for agriculture in the EU?
2017 |
Brady, Mark V. |
Capitalisation of the SPS into agricultural land rental prices under harmonisation of payments
2017 |
Klaiber, H. Allen |
A parametric approach to estimating eco-efficiency
2017 |
Orea, Luis |
The science of impact and the impact of agricultural science
2017 |
Midmore, Peter |
How competitive is the EU's agri-food sector? : an introduction to a special feature on EU agri-food competitiveness
2017 |
Harvey, David R. |
Is fertiliser use inconsistent with expected profit maximization in sub-Saharan Africa? : evidence from Nigeria
2017 |
Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda |
The effects of Kenya's "smarter" input subsidy programme on smallholder behaviour and incomes : do different quasi-experimental approaches lead to the same conclusions?
2017 |
Mason, Nicole M. |
Estimating the enduring effects of fertiliser subsidies on commercial fertiliser demand and maize production : panel data evidence from Malawi
2017 |
Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob |
Importing high food prices by exporting : rice prices in Lao PDR
2017 |
Durevall, Dick |
Worth the risk? : the behavioural path to well-being
2017 |
Howley, Peter |