The modern refugee in the post-modern Europe
2013 |
Tuitt, Patricia |
Jonah and Socrates as refugees : repentance, redemption and responsibility
2013 |
Adelman, Howard |
Strengthening international refugee rights through the enhanced supervision of the 1951 convention and its 1967 protocol
2013 |
Simeon, James C. |
Territorial protection : cessation of refugee status and Internal Flight Alternative compared
2013 |
O'Sullivan, Maria |
In defence of the Migrant Workers Convention : standard setting for contemporary migration
2013 |
Ryan, Bernard |
Transnational family relations in migration contexts : British variations on European themes
2013 |
Shah, Prakash |
The 'New Europe' and the 'European Refugee' : the subversion of the European Union's refugee law by its migration policy
2013 |
El-Enany, Nadine |
Are European states accountable for border deaths?
2013 |
Spijkerboer, Thomas |
The shifting boundaries and content of protection : the Internal Protection Alternative revisted
2013 |
Mathew, Penelope |
Disowned in their own land : the courts and protection of the internally displaced person
2013 |
Care, Geoffrey |
Unaccompanied children and their protection under international refugee law
2013 |
Bantekas, Ilias |
Asylum seekers, detention and the law : morality in abeyance?
2013 |
Stevens, Dallal |
Migration control and human security
2013 |
Pickering, Sharon |
Global migratory policies : neither closed nor open borders
2013 |
Marchetti, Raffaele |
Secret immigration business : policy transfers and the tyranny of deterrence theory
2013 |
Crock, Mary |
EU immigration and the new EU treaty framework
2013 |
Guild, Elspeth |
Country information and evidence assessment in New Zealand
2013 |
Haines, Rodger |
Child migration and the lacunae in international protection
2013 |
Bhabha, Jacqueline |
Forced displacement, the law of international armed conflict, and state authority
2013 |
Cantor, David James |
Regulation 5.35 : coerced treatment of detained asylum seekers on hunger strike ; legal, ethical and human rights implications
2013 |
Kenny, Mary Anne |