Mortgage loan flow networks and financial norms
2018 |
Stanton, Richard |
Financial frictions and the stock price reaction to monetary policy
2018 |
Ozdagli, Ali |
The timing and method of payment in mergers when acquirers are financially constrained
2018 |
Gorbenko, Alexander S. |
The power of the street : evidence from Egypt's Arab Spring
2018 |
Acemoglu, Daron |
Macroeconomic-driven prepayment risk and the valuation of mortgage-backed securities
2018 |
Chernov, Mikhail |
Trust busting : the effect of fraud on investor behavior
2018 |
Gurun, Umit G. |
Managing the family firm : evidence from CEOs at work
2018 |
Bandiera, Oriana |
Cross-sectional and time-series tests of return predictability : what is the difference?
2018 |
Goyal, Amit |
Why trading speed matters : a tale of queue rationing under price controls
2018 |
Yao, Chen |
Innovative originality, profitability, and stock returns
2018 |
Hirshleifer, David |
Risk everywhere : modeling and managing volatility
2018 |
Bollerslev, Tim |
Contagious effects of a political intervention in debt contracts : evidence using loan-level data
2018 |
Tantri, Prasanna L. |
Interest rate risk management in uncertain times
2018 |
Bretscher, Lorenzo |
Winning by losing : evidence on the long-run effects of mergers
2018 |
Malmendier, Ulrike |
Risk, unemployment, and the stock market : a rare-event-based explanation of labor market volatility
2018 |
Kilic, Mete |
Can people learn about 'Black Swans'? : experimental evidence
2018 |
Payzan Le Nestour, Elise |
Mortgage supply and housing rents
2018 |
Gete, Pedro |
Pricing kernel monotonicity and conditional information
2018 |
Linn, Matthew |
Long forward probabilities, recovery, and the term structure of bond risk premiums
2018 |
Qin, Likuan |
Got rejected? : real effects of not getting a loan
2018 |
Berg, Tobias |