Performance contracting : understanding variation across agencies in Danish Central Government
2017 |
Kristiansen, Mads Bøge |
Public procurement policy for small and medium enterprises in developing countries : evidence from India
2017 |
Patil, Kapil |
Smart communities inside local governments : a pie in the sky?
2017 |
Michelucci, Fania Valeria |
Enacting social media success in local public administrations : an empirical analysis of organizational, institutional, and contextual factors
2017 |
Criado, J. Ignacio |
How organizational stressors affect collective organizational citizenship behaviors in the French police : the moderating role of trust climate?
2017 |
Molines, Mathieu |
"The new patient" : the emergence of a political persona
2017 |
Zinck Pedersen, Kirstine |
Public administration research since 1980 : slipping away from the real world?
2017 |
Pollitt, Christopher |
Principles of performance dialogue in public administration
2017 |
Laihonen, Harri |
Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises : a systematic analysis of empirical literature
2017 |
Daiser, Peter |
An investigation of government employees’ support for public-private partnerships
2017 |
Shakirova, Razilya |
Tendering design when price and quality is uncertain
2017 |
Lundberg, Sofia |
Hospital management from a high reliability organizational change perspective : a Swedish case on lean and Six Sigma
2017 |
Eriksson, Nomie |
The use of performance measurement in universities
2017 |
Alach, Zhivan |
Local governance, corruption, and public service quality : evidence from a national survey in Vietnam
2017 |
Nguyen, Thang V. |
30 years of IJPSM publications : an analysis
2017 |
Thiel, Sandra van |
Thirty years of public management scholarship : plenty of "how," not enough "why"
2017 |
Kennedy, Sheila Suess |
Is there still a need for teaching and research in public administration and management? : a personal view from the UK
2017 |
Liddle, Joyce |
Getting to Norway - 30 years of public management research : theoretical, empirical and practical challenges
2017 |
Lægreid, Per |
Collaborative public management and systems thinking
2017 |
Amsler, Lisa Blomgren |
Critical factors in public sector collaboration in Malaysia : leadership, interdependence, and community
2017 |
Shila Devi Ramadass |