Sovereign investment : an introduction
2012 |
Schmit Jongbloed, Wouter P. F. |
Sovereign wealth funds and regulation : some conceptual issues
2012 |
Rugman, Alan M. |
The evolution of the essential security exception in US trade and investment agreements
2012 |
Mendenhall, James |
Sovereign wealth funds and the IMF
2012 |
Das, Udaibir S. |
Sovereign wealth funds and global finance
2012 |
Pistor, Katharina |
Are sovereign wealth fund investments politically biased? : a comparison with mutual funds
2012 |
Avendaño, Rolando |
Sovereign concerns and the international investment regime
2012 |
Alvarez, José E. |
Sovereign wealth funds and national security
2012 |
DeCorla-Souza, Patrick |
Lessons from CFIUS for national security reviews of foreign investment
2012 |
The Canadian policy response to sovereign direct investment
2012 |
Safarian, Albert Edward |
The regulation of sovereign wealth funds in the European Union : can the supranational level limit the rise of national protectionism?
2012 |
Chaisse, Julien |
Foreign government-controlled investors and host country investment policies : OECD perspectives
2012 |
Gordon, Kathryn M. |
Foreign direct investment by state-controlled entities at a crossroad of economic history : conference report of the rapporteur
2012 |
Steinitz, Maya |
The international activities and impacts of state-owned enterprises
2012 |
Shapiro, Daniel M. |
Do the rules need to be changed for state-controlled entities? : the case of sovereign wealth funds
2012 |
Truman, Edwin M. |
Sovereign wealth funds : an overview
2012 |
Gordon, Mark |
Sovereign wealth funds : a developing country perspective
2012 |
Griffith-Jones, Stephany |
Sovereign wealth funds and the crisis : investment managers or providers of liquidity?
2012 |
Subacchi, Paola |
National security and foreign investment : predictability for inestors at the national level
2012 |
Clodfelter, Mark A. |
The US approach to sovereign wealth funds and the role of CFIUS
2012 |
Lowery, Clay |