Direct and indirect effects of self-control and future time perspective on financial well-being
2023 |
Raaij, Willem Fred van |
Who's afraid of the GOATs? : shadow effects of tennis superstars
2023 |
Deutscher, Christian |
Effectiveness of random payment in experiments : a meta-analysis of dictator games
2023 |
Umer, Hamza |
The influence of tax authorities on the employment of tax practitioners : empirical evidence from a survey and interview study
2023 |
Frecknall-Hughes, Jane |
Who discriminates? : evidence from a trust game experiment across three societies
2023 |
Chuah, Swee Hoon |
Diversified committees in hiring processes : lab evidence on group dynamics
2023 |
Domínguez, José J. |
Not all luck is created equal : sources of income inequality and willingness to redistribute
2023 |
Wright, Reilly |
Saving regret and procrastination
2023 |
Börsch-Supan, Axel |
Altruistic or expected leadership? : laboratory evidence on what motivates pro-social influence
2023 |
Fernández-Duque, Mauricio |
The stability of self-control in a population-representative study
2023 |
Cobb-Clark, Deborah A. |
Locus of control and other-regarding behavior : experimental evidence from a large heterogeneous sample
2023 |
Fanghella, Valeria |
Choosing an electoral rule : values and self-interest in the lab
2023 |
Bol, Damien |
A "more-is-better" heuristic in anticommons dilemmas : psychological insights from a new anticommons bargaining game
2023 |
Kwaadsteniet, Erik W. de |
Self-serving bias in redistribution choices : accounting for beliefs and norms
2023 |
Amasino, Dianna R. |
Challenges in studying the interplay of genes and environment : a study of childhood financial distress moderating genetic predisposition for peak smoking
2023 |
Bierut, Laura |
The effect of perceived similarity and social proximity on the formation of prosocial preferences
2023 |
Schütt, Christoph |
Replication: Do coaches stick with what barely worked? : evidence of outcome bias in sports
2023 |
Meier, Pascal Flurin |
Transcranial stimulation over the medial prefrontal cortex increases money illusion
2023 |
Li, Jianbiao |
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex : less risk taking or more reflective? : tDCS study based on a Bayesian-updating task
2023 |
Huang, Daqiang |
How explicit expected value information affects tax compliance decisions and information acquisition
2023 |
Mueller, Martin |