Is there a family? : new anthropological views
1997 |
Collier, Jane |
Lifeboat ethics : mother love and child death in northeast Brazil
1997 |
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy |
Population : delusion and reality
1997 |
Sen, Amartya |
State fatherhood : the politics of nationalism, sexuality, and race in Singapore
1997 |
Heng, Geraldine |
Capitalism and gay identity
1997 |
D'Emilio, John |
Transformations of homosexuality-based classifications
1997 |
Greenberg, David F. |
Womb as oasis : the symbolic context of pharaonic circumcision in rural nothern Sudan
1997 |
Boddy, Janice |
"Material girl" : the effacements of postmodern culture
1997 |
Bordo, Susan |
Sisters and queers : the decentering of lesbian feminism
1997 |
Stein, Arlene |
The neo-family-values campaign
1997 |
Stacey, Judith |
Movie stars and islamic moralism in Egypt
1997 |
Abu-Lughod, Lila |
Guto's performance : notes on the transvestism of everyday life
1997 |
Lancaster, Roger N. |
Introduction : embodied meanings, carnal practices
1997 |
Leonardo, Micaela di |
How to build a man
1997 |
Fausto-Sterling, Anne |
The carnivalization of the world
1997 |
Parker, Richard |
Violence, sexuality, and women's lives
1997 |
Heise, Lori L. |
Rape and the inner lives of black women in the Middle West : preliminary thoughts on the culture of dissemblance
1997 |
Hine, Darlene Clark |
The consumption of color and the politics of white skin in post-Mao China
1997 |
Schein, Louisa |
Excerpts from "Introduction" to bodies that matter
1997 |
Butler, Judith |
The end of the body?
1997 |
Martin, Emily |