"First things first" : the AMS Review - Sheth Foundation 2020 annual doctoral competition for conceptual articles : editorial
2020 |
Conduit, Jodie |
Indigenous theory development in marketing : the foundational premises approach
2020 |
Hunt, Shelby D. |
Designing conceptual articles : four approaches
2020 |
Jaakkola, Elina |
Advancing theory in marketing : insights from conversations in other disciplines
2020 |
Varadarajan, Rajan |
Transaction cost theory : past, present and future
2020 |
Rindfleisch, Aric |
Effective reviewing for conceptual journal submissions
2020 |
Griffin, Abbie |
Reimagining marketing doctoral programs
2020 |
Yadav, Manjit S. |
The digital continuum : the influence of ownership, access, control, and cocreation on digital offerings
2020 |
Micken, Kathleen S. |
Reinventing professional service firms : the migration to a client-facing, talent-on-demand platform
2020 |
Jaworski, Bernard J. |
Information transparency as competitive advantage : research approaches to platform ecosystem design and competition
2020 |
Key, Thomas Martin |
Advancing conceptual-only articles in marketing : editorial
2020 |
Vargo, Stephen L. |
Conceptual review papers : revisiting existing research to develop and refine theory
2020 |
Hulland, John |
Contributing to theory : opportunities and challenges
2020 |
Barney, Jay B. |
Creativity and publication in marketing
2020 |
Stewart, David W. |
Expanding exchange : how institutional actors shape food-sharing exchange systems
2020 |
Jayashankar, Priyanka |
Moving forward... : editorial
2019 |
Vargo, Stephen L. |
Building marketing capabilities : principles from the field
2019 |
Jaworski, Bernard J. |
The "first principles" of marketing strategy
2019 |
Palmatier, Robert W. |
Multiple stakeholder market orientation : a service-dominant logic perspective of the market orientation paradigm
2019 |
Line, Nathaniel D. |
Service innovation is urgent in healthcare
2019 |
Berry, Leonard L. |