Human rights in the information society : utopias, dystopias and human values
2013 |
Sartor, Giovanni |
(Right to ) development and international transfer of technology : a competition law perspective
2013 |
Tomé Féteira, Lúcio |
Protecting persons v. protecting humans in biobanks
2013 |
Sándor, Judit |
Human reproduction and human dignity as a constitutional concept
2013 |
Nogueira de Brito, Miguel |
Internet content filtering in Latin America . reasons and impacts on freedom of expression
2013 |
Varon Ferraz, Joana |
Angels and demons : data protection and security in electronic communications
2013 |
Ferreira, Pedro |
Privacy, security and new technologies : a Brazilian approach to privacy issues in the public security field
2013 |
Viola de Azevedo Cunha, Mario |
Proposing a right to identity within international framework of human rights : issues and prospects
2013 |
Nuno Gomes de Andrade, Norberto |
Knowledge and new technologies : from ethics to politics and law
2013 |
Garcia, Maria da Glória F.P.D. |
Intellectual property and human rights : northern and southern perspectives
2013 |
Santos, Ana E. |
Prometheus, Golem & Co. : bioconstitution and bodiliness in a '(world) risk society'
2013 |
Loureiro, João Carlos |
The constitutional debate on stem cell research, human rights and dignity : the law and a recent court ruling in Brazil
2013 |
Fachin, Luiz Edson |
To block or not to block : European approaches to content regulation, and implications for freedom of expression
2013 |
Akdeniz, Yaman |
Legal implications of the privatization of cyber warfare
2013 |
Lixinski, Lucas |
Nanotechnology, human rights, patent law and the Global South : a brief overview
2013 |
Nordberg, Ana |