Italian Reports concerning the 1462 Wallachian Campaign of Sultan Mehmed II
2012 |
Pop, Ioan-Aurel |
Tra aperture e neostalinismo : Italia e Romania negli anni sessanta e settanta
2012 |
Basciani, Alberto |
Historical patterns of euroscepticism : an analysis of the Romanians' confidence in the EU in the context of the Schengen affair
2012 |
Dobrescu, Paul |
The battle of Britain as presented by Romanian legionary media (September 1940 - January 1941)
2012 |
Arhire, Sorin |
[Rezension von: Geografia e storia della civiltà letteraria romena ne contesto europeo, hrsg. von Bruno Mazzoni und Angela Tarantino]
2012 |
Muntean, Carmen |
Transylvania in the mid-nineteenth-century accounts of the papal legate
2012 |
Sima, Ana Victoria |
La legione romena sul fronte italiano
2012 |
Baratto, Marco |
[Rezension von: Pálffy, Géza, Die Anfänge der Militärkartographie in der Habsburgermonarchie, die regelmäßige kartographische Tätigkeit der Burgbaumeisterfamilie Angielini an der kroatisch-slawonischen und ungarischen Grenzen in den Jahren 1560-1570]
2012 |
Heppner, Harald |
[Rezension von: Pop, Ioan-Aurel; Cârja, Ion, Un italian la Bucureşti, Luigi Cazzavillian (1852-1903)]
2012 |
Turcu, Lucian |
[Rezension von: Petrescu, Ioana Em., Studii eminesciene]
2012 |
Popa, Nicoleta |
The plaque of 1718-19 and its impact on the foreign trade of the Romanian principalities
2012 |
Lucarelli, Cristiano |
The historical legacy of the current Euro crisis : the battle for interpretation
2012 |
Bârgăoanu, Alina |
The control mechanism for the enforcement of European Court of Human Rights Decisions
2012 |
Corlăţean, Titus |
[Rezension von: Border Changes in 20th century Europe, selected case studies, hrsg. von Eero Madijainen und Olaf Mertelsmann]
2012 |
Heppner, Harald |
[Rezension von: Ion, Pop, La réhabilitation du rêve, une anthologie de l'Avant-garde roumaine]
2012 |
Rusu, Oana |
La biblioteca di Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1712) e il mondo balcanico
2012 |
Gardi, Andrea |
[Rezension von: Scagno, Roberto; Tomasella, Paolo; Tucu, Corina, Veneti in Romania]
2012 |
Sălăgean, Marcela |
[Rezension von: Italia e Romania verso l'unità nazionale, convego di studi in occasione del 150° anniversario dell'unità d'Italia 16-17 giugno 2011 Università di Bucarest, hrsg. von Francesco Guida, Bukarest, Humanitas, 2011]
2012 |
Simion, Olivia |
[Rezension von: Fotache, Oana, Divanul criticii, discursuri asupra metodei în critica românească postbelică]
2012 |
Filaropol, Dana |
Aspects regarding the role of the Habsburg Empire in the rural modernization of Transylvania and of the western regions (18th and 19th centuries)
2011 |
Şişeştean, Gheorghe |