Missing Marcuse: on gentrification and displacement
2012 |
Slater, Tom |
A critical approach to solving the housing problem
2012 |
Marcuse, Peter |
Cities for people , not for profit : an introduction
2012 |
Brenner, Neil |
Whose right(s) to what city?
2012 |
Marcuse, Peter |
Henri Lefebvre , the right to the city , and the new metropolitan mainstream
2012 |
Schmid, Christian |
The "right to the city" in urban social movements
2012 |
Mayer, Margit |
Space and revolution in theory and practice : eight theses
2012 |
Goonewardena, Kanishka |
The new urban growth ideology of"creative cities"
2012 |
Krätke, Stefan |
The right to the city: from theory to grassroots alliance
2012 |
Liss, Jon |
Assemblages, actor-networks, and the challenges of critical urban theory
2012 |
Brenner, Neil |
Critical theory and "gray space" : mobilization of the colonized
2012 |
Yiftachel, Oren |
Socialist cities, for people or for power?
2012 |
Flierl, Bruno |
What is to be done? : and who the hell is going to do it?
2012 |
Harvey, David |
What is critical urban theory?
2012 |
Brenner, Neil |
The praxis of planning and the contributions of critical development studies
2012 |
Rankin, Katharine N. |
An actually existing just city? : the fight for the right to the city in Amsterdam
2012 |
Uttermark, Justus |