The work-to-life conflict mediation between job characteristics and well-being at work : part-time vs full-time employees
2017 |
Chambel, Maria José |
Women and leadership : challenges and opportunities in Saudi higher education
2017 |
Abalkhail, Jouharah M. |
What if people's private life constrained their career decisions? : examining the relationship between home-to-career interference and career satisfaction
2017 |
Schooreel, Tess |
A metaBUS-enabled meta-analysis of career satisfaction
2017 |
Lee, Colin I. S. G. |
Opt-in or opt-out : ploring how women construe their ambition at early career stages
2017 |
Harman, Charlotte |
Enhancing the contribution of volunteering to career commitment with friendship among university students
2017 |
Cheung, Chau Kiu Jacky |
Identity exploration during the transition to motherhood : facilitating factors and outcomes
2017 |
Stector, Michal Gross |
Global careers in the Arabian Gulf : understanding motives for self-initiated expatriation of the highly skilled, globally mobile professionals
2017 |
Baruch, Yehuda |
The impact of career ambition on psychologists' extrinsic and intrinsic career success : the less they want, the more they get
2017 |
Otto, Kathleen |
Emotional intelligence competencies in engineer's effectiveness and engagement
2017 |
Boyatzis, Richard E. |
Statistical and measurement pitfalls in the use of meta-regression in meta-analysis
2017 |
Schmidt, Frank L. |
Organizational structure and innovation performance : is employee innovative behavior a missing link?
2017 |
Tohirovich, Alisher |
Task-level work engagement of self-employed and organizationally employed high-skilled workers
2017 |
Bujacz, Aleksandra |
Saudi women's work challenges and barriers to career advancement
2017 |
Al-Asfour, Ahmed |
The mechanisms of regulatory focus : mindfulness, leader-member exchange, and motivational outcomes
2017 |
Zivnuska, Suzanne |
Mediator analysis of passion for work in Indian millennials : relationship between protean career attitude and proactive work behavior
2017 |
Gulyani, Gaatha |
Ambition at work and career satisfaction : the mediating role of taking charge behavior and the moderating role of pay
2017 |
El Baroudi, Sabrine |
Subordinates' helping, voice, and supervisors' evaluation of job performance : the moderating effects of supervisor-attributed motives
2017 |
Choi, Byoung Kwon |
Work values underlying protean and boundaryless career orientations
2017 |
Abessolo, Marc |
Embeddedness and turnover intentions in extra roles : a mixed-methods analysis of the United States Marine Corp Reserve
2017 |
DiRenzo, Marco S. |