New focus of economic reactivation in Spain : creative industries in the Basque Country
2012 |
Lazzeretti, Luciana |
Assessing country competitiveness : the case of Spain
2012 |
Delgado, Mercedes |
Outward FDI from developing country MNEs as a channel for technological catch-up
2012 |
Amighini, Alessia |
Heterogeneous social capitals : a new window of opportunity for local economies
2012 |
Parrilli, Mario Davide |
Are clusters the solution?
2012 |
Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés |
Resilience, innovative "white spaces" and cluster platforms as a response to globalisation shocks
2012 |
Cooke, Philip |
Territorial benchmarking methodology : the need to identify reference regions
2012 |
Conceptualisations, relationships and trends between innovation, competitiveness and development : industrial policy beyond the crisis
2012 |
Bianchi, Patrizio |
Cities in times of economic crisis : a challenge for local governments
2012 |
Perló Cohen, Manuel |
A participatory methodology for evaluating the cluster policy of the Basque Country
2012 |
Innovative regions : strategic spaces for development
2012 |
Vázquez Barquero, Antonio |
China : beyond the global production line
2012 |
Cooke, Philip |
Regional policy : what (it seems) we have learned from some European experiences
2012 |
Cuadrado Roura, Juan R. |
The new Argonauts, global search and local institution building
2012 |
Saxenian, Annalee |
The Innovation Index : measuring the UK's investment in innovation and its effects
2012 |
New policy approaches to develop innovative territories : developing trust and behavioral additionality in Gipuzkoa
2012 |
Larrea, Miren |
What public policies can and cannot do for regional development
2012 |
Landabaso Alvarez, Mikel |
For a resilient, sustainable and creative European economy, in what ways is the EU important?
2012 |
Cooke, Philip |