Words and corpses : Celan's "Tenebrae" between Gadamer and Scholem
2014 |
Lipszyc, Adam |
Lament and the shattered expression of mourning : Gershom Scholem and Walter Benjamin
2014 |
Schwebel, Paula |
Lament and pure language : Scholem, Benjamin and Kant
2014 |
Ferber, Ilit |
Spinoza, Maimonides and the politics of prophecy
2014 |
Sacks, Elias |
"On lament and lamentation" : Gershom Scholem (1917-1918)
2014 |
Barouch, Lina |
The erasure and endurance of lament : Gershom Scholem's early critique of Zionism and its language
2014 |
Barouch, Lina |
The immersion of Baallei Qerain
2012 |
Ḳiperṿaser, Reuven |
From lofty caliphs to uncivilized "orientals" : images of the Muslim in Medieval Jewish travel literature
2011 |
Jacobs, Martin |
The Hebrew Bible as weapon of faith in late medieval Iberia : irony, satire, and scriptural allusion in Profiat Duran's "Al Tehi ka-Avotekha"
2011 |
Kozodoy, Maud |
The black death in Hebrew literature : Abraham Ben Solomon Hen's Tractatulus de pestilentia
2011 |
Bos, Gerrit |
Jewish Prague, Christian Prague, and the castle in the city's "Golden Age"
2011 |
Kieval, Hillel J. |
Sadducees and karaites : the rhetoric of Jewish sectarianism
2011 |
Greenspahn, Frederick E. |
Person, family and community : the individual and the collective in Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's biblical commentary
2011 |
Chertok, Ted |
The fragmented self : individualism in Yiddish introspectivism
2011 |
Ponichtera, Sarah |
Triumph and disaster of assimilation : the painter Max Liebermann
2008 |
Paret, Peter |
Jewish Nietzscheanism: Walter Kaufmann's critique of christianity
2007 |
Pickus, David |
Franz Rosenzweig on translation and exile
2007 |
Batnitzky, Leora |
Translating cultures and texts in Reform Judaism : the Philippsohn Bible
2007 |
Herrmann, Klaus |
Between two worlds : Martin Buber's "the how and why of our Bible translation"
2007 |
Rosenwald, Lawrence |
Arnold Goldberg's Bible translation
2007 |
Schäfer, Peter |