Global climate policy reinforces local social path-dependent structures : more conflict in the world?
2012 |
Kominek, Jasmin |
Climate change and the environmental conflict discourse
2012 |
Trombetta, Maria J. |
Critical deconstruction of environmental security and human security concepts in the anthropocene
2012 |
Hardt, Judith Nora |
Words, visuals, and the vanished enemy : visual securitization and the COP15 opening film
2012 |
Rørbæk, Tore |
Malnutrition and conflict in Eastern Africa : impacts of resource variability on human security
2012 |
Security implications of climate refugees in urban slums : a case study from Dhaka, Bangladesh
2012 |
Saha, Sujan |
A psychological perspective on climate stress in coastal India
2012 |
Mudaliar, Ruchi |
Routine violence in Java, Indonesia : Neo-Malthusian and social justice perspectives
2012 |
Tadjoeddin, Mohammad Zulfan |
Introduction: Climate change, human security, and violent conflict in the anthropocene
2012 |
Brauch, Hans Günter |
On environmental change and armed conflict
2012 |
Buhaug, Halvard |
Theories and models of climate-security interaction : framework and application to a climate hot spot in North Africa
2012 |
Scheffran, Jürgen |
Political in nature : the conflict-fuelling character of international climate policies
2012 |
Wallbott, Linda |
Climate change and human migration : towards a global governance system to protect climate refugees
2012 |
Biermann, Frank |
"Climate refugees" as dawning catastrophe? : a critique of the dominant quest for numbers
2012 |
Jakobeit, Cord |
Environmentally-forced migration in rural areas : security risks and threats in Mexico
2012 |
Oswald, Ursula |
Climate change on the Arabian Peninsula : regional security, sustainability strategies, and research needs
2012 |
Kumetat, Dennis |
Altering security dynamics? : climate change impacts on Iraq
2012 |
Maas, Achim |
Nothing new in the Middle East : reality and discourses of climate change in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
2012 |
Messerschmid, Clemens |
Locating climate insecurity : where are the most vulnerable places in Africa?
2012 |
Conclusions and outlook : research results and research needs
2012 |