1. Armed conflict ; overview
2013 |
Melvin, Neil |
The fragile peace in East and South East Asia
2013 |
3. Military expenditure : overview
2013 |
Perlo-Freeman, Sam |
II. US military expenditure
2013 |
Sköns, Elisabeth |
V. Two case studies in the governace of military budgeting and expenditure : Colombia and Indonesia
2013 |
Perlo-Freeman |
II. Arms transfers to Western and Central Europe
2013 |
Bromley, Mark |
III. Arms transfers to Syria
2013 |
Wezeman, Pieter D. |
6. World nuclear forces : overview
2013 |
Kile, Shannon N. |
V. Chinese nuclear forces
2013 |
Schell, Phillip |
IX. North Korea's military nuclear capabilities
2013 |
Kile, Shannon N. |
Part III. Non-proliferation, arms control and diesarmament, 2012
2013 |
I. Iran and nuclear proliferation concerns
2013 |
Kile, Shannon N. |
IV. Measures to combat nuclear terrorism
2013 |
Anthony, Ian |
I. Biological weapon arms control and disarmament
2013 |
Hart, John |
II. Small arms control in Africy
2013 |
Grip, Lina |
III. Conventional arms control and confidence- and security-building measures in Europe
2013 |
Anthony, Ian |
II. Multilateral arms embargoes
2013 |
Wezeman, Pieter D. |
2013 |
2013 |
Abbreviations and conventions
2013 |