Individual remedies for victims of armed conflicts in the context of mass claims settlements
2012 |
Benveniśtî, Eyāl |
International law and the war on terrorism
2012 |
Witschel, Georg |
Jurisprudence of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in prompt release proceedings
2012 |
Akl, Joseph |
Affected individuals in proceedings before the ICJ, the ITLOS and the ECHR
2012 |
Hess, Burkhard |
Provisional measures in the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
2012 |
Tomka, Peter |
Advisory jurisdiction : lessons from recent practice
2012 |
Wood, M. C. |
Zu den Implikationen der EU-Mitgliedschaft für die Stellung und Anwendung des Völkerrechts im innerstaatlichen Bereich
2012 |
Epiney, Astrid |
Macht und Ohnmacht : das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die Politik
2012 |
Haas, Evelyn |
The impact of law on contemporary military operations : sacrificing security interests on the altar of political correctness?
2012 |
Heintschel von Heinegg, Wolff |
The return of piracy : problems, parallels, paradoxes
2012 |
Neuhold, Hanspeter |
Das Ende der Unschuld? : völkerrechtliche Aspekte des Einsatzes militärischer Gewalt durch Truppen der Bundeswehr am Beispiel Afghanistans
2012 |
Vöneky, Silja |
Hybrid peacekeeping : is UNAMID a new model for cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations?
2012 |
Walter, Christian |
Private Normunternehmer im Völkerrecht : Gedanken zur Fortentwicklung des Völkerrechts durch nicht-staatliche Institutionen
2012 |
Bothe, Michael |
The importance of generality in law-making international agreements
2012 |
Morrison, Fred L. |
Too "smart" for legal protection? : UN Security Council's targeted sanctions and a pladoyer for another UN Tribunal
2012 |
Stein, Torsten |
Japan's contribution to international peace and its political and legal background
2012 |
Yanai, Shunji |
A "footnote as a principle" : mutual supportiveness and its relevance in an era of fragmentation
2012 |
Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence |
The international proliferation of criminal jurisdictions revisited : uniting or fragmenting international law?
2012 |
Pocar, Fausto |
Cross-fertilization between different international courts and tribunals : the Mangouras Case
2012 |
Treves, Tullio |
"Berlin bleibt Berlin"
2012 |
Aust, Anthony |