The international obligation to cooperate : an empty shell or a hard law principle of international law? ; a critical look at a much debated paradigm of modern international law
2012 |
Delbrück, Jost |
State debt crisis, private creditors, and the IMF articles of agreement
2012 |
Ebke, Werner F. |
The solidarity principle, Francisco de Vitoria and the protection of indigenous peoples
2012 |
Marotta Rangel, Vincente |
Solidarität, Souveränität und Völkerrecht : Grundzüge einer internationalen Solidargemeinschaft zur Hilfe bei Naturkatastrophen
2012 |
Matz-Lück, Nele |
Labour relations before the Strasbourg Court
2012 |
Caflisch, Lucius |
The optional protocol to the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights : towards a more effective implementation of social rights?
2012 |
Grote, Rainer |
Human dignity - basis of human rights
2012 |
Klein, Eckart |
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights : moving from coexistence to cooperation and solidarity
2012 |
Seibert-Fohr, Anja |
The Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination and international humanitarian law
2012 |
Weissbrodt, David S. |
The principle of reasonableness in the law of the sea
2012 |
Anderson, David |
Strengthening compliance with climate change
2012 |
Weiss, Edith Brown |
Enforcement jurisdiction under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : an overview
2012 |
Caminos, Hugo |
Protection and preservation of the marine environment in the area under UNCLOS
2012 |
Kateka, James L. |
The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and Coastal States' Submissions
2012 |
Nelson, L. D. M. |
Divided we stand : the legal issues concerning the International Whaling Commission
2012 |
Fitzmaurice, Malgosia |
On the classification of obligations in international law
2012 |
Gautier, Philippe |
The Altiplano Silala (Siloli) : a watercourse under scrutiny
2012 |
Infante Caffi, María Teresa |
Water in the contemporary world
2012 |
Türk, Helmut |
Reality or aspiration? : solidarity in international environmenatl and world trade law
2012 |
Hestermeyer, Holger P. |
Land and maritime tripoints in international jurisprudence
2012 |
Pellet, Alain |