Transport and industrialization
2012 |
Voigt, Fritz |
Industrial dynamics : a major breakthrough for decision makers
2012 |
Forrester, Jay Wright |
Time - the next source of competitive advantage
2012 |
Stalk, George |
The determination of the most expedient location of an industrial plant
2012 |
Launhardt, Wilhelm |
Scheduling of vehicles from a central depot to a number of delivery points
2012 |
Clarke, G. |
Production-line approach to service
2012 |
Levitt, Theodore |
Markets, bureaucracies, and clans
2012 |
Ouchi, William G. |
Note on the formulation of the theory of logistics
2012 |
Morgenstern, Oskar |
On the utilities of place, time, and possession : Alfred Marshall (1890), Louis Weld (1919), and Gösta B. Ihde (1984)
2012 |
Fundamentals of a science of organization
2012 |
Nordsieck, Fritz |
The economy's dark continent
2012 |
Drucker, Peter F. |
Intermediate commentary : on the evolution of three meanings of logistics
2012 |
Klaus, Peter |
Tableau économique
2012 |
Quesnay, François |
The architecture of complexity
2012 |
Simon, Herbert Alexander |
Towards a science of logistics: milestones along converging paths
2012 |
Klaus, Peter |
The art of war
2012 |
Jomini, Antoine Henri de |
The other half of marketing
2012 |
Converse, Paul D. |
Physical distribution and marketing logistics
2012 |
Toyota production system
2012 |
Ōno, Taiichi |
Supply-chain management : logistics catches up with strategy
2012 |
Oliver, R. Keith |