Medieval hebrew translations of philosophical and scientific texts : a chronological table
2011 |
Zonta, Mauro |
Arabic and latin cultures as resources for the hebrew translation movement : comparative considerations, both quantitative and qualitative
2011 |
Freudenthal, Gad |
Interactions between jewish and christian astronomers in the iberian peninsula
2011 |
Chabás, José |
Latin scholastic influences on late medieval hebrew physics : the state of the art
2011 |
Zonta, Mauro |
Astral magic and specific properties (Segullot) in medieval jewish thought : non-aristotelian science and theology
2011 |
Shṿarts, Dov |
Science in the jewish communities of the byzantine cultural orbit : new perspectives
2011 |
Langerman, Yitsḥaḳ Tsevi |
History, language, and the sciences in medieval spain
2011 |
Gutwirth, Eleazar |
The assimilation of greco/arabic learning by medieval jewish cultures : a brief bibliographic introduction
2011 |
Freudenthal, Gad |
The production of hebrew scientific books according to dated medieval manuscripts
2011 |
Bet-Aryeh, Malʾakhi |
Logic in medieval jewish culture
2011 |
Manekin, Charles Harry |
Astronomy among jews in the middle ages
2011 |
Goldstein, Bernard R. |
Alchemy in medieval jewish cultures : a noted absence
2011 |
Freudenthal, Gad |
Medieval karaism and science
2011 |
Lasḳer, Daniʾel |
Philosophy and science in medieval jewish commentaries on the bible
2011 |
Robinson, James T. |
The mental faculties and the psychology of sleep and dreams
2011 |
Kahana-Smilansky, Hagar |
Astrology in medieval jewish thought (twelfth-fourteenth centuries)
2011 |
Selaʿ, Shelomoh |
The science of language among medieval jews
2011 |
Olszowy-Schlanger, Judith |
Kabbalah and science in the middle ages : preliminary remarks
2011 |
Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava |
The hebrew mathematics culture (twelfth-sixteenth centuries)
2011 |
Lévy, Tony |
Mathematical and physical optics in medieval jewish scientific thought
2011 |
Meiron, Eyal |