Reputation for competence in a cheap-talk setting
2023 |
Lukyanov, Georgy |
The media coverage of antitrust enforcement : evidence from Italy
2023 |
Mangani, Andrea |
Organizational structure and technological investment revisited : an explanation based on the property rights approach
2023 |
Hamada, Kojun |
Risk preferences, global market conditions and foreign debt : is there any role for the currency composition of FX reserves?
2023 |
Mateane, Lebogang |
Learning, externalities, and export dynamics : evidence from Chilean exporters
2023 |
Hamilton, Ben |
Effects of remittances on financial inclusion gender gap in developing countries
2023 |
Abokyi, Eric |
Inflation, technological-knowledge bias, and wages
2023 |
Afonso, Oscar |
Dumping, antidumping duties, and price undertakings
2023 |
Chang, Yang-ming |
Why some product innovations are licensed and others are not?
2023 |
Antelo Suárez, Manuel |
Effects of monetary transactions costs on economic growth
2023 |
Watanabe, Akane |
Machine learning and sentiment analysis : projecting bank insolvency risk
2023 |
Jesus, Diego Pitta de |
What drives migration to Germany? : a panel data analysis
2023 |
Klöcker, Julian Alexander |
The effects of firm performance on CEO compensation and CEO pay ratio before and during COVID-19
2023 |
Ye, Ryan |
Optimal menu when agents make mistakes
2023 |
Mikhalishchev, Sergei |
A finite mixture analysis of structural breaks in the G-7 gross domestic product series
2023 |
Cremaschini, Alessandro |
Debt maturity and firm productivity : the role of intangibles
2023 |
Nakatani, Ryota |
Financing the economy in debt times : the crucial role of public-private partnerships
2023 |
Amedanou, Yawovi Mawussé Isaac |
Middle-income trap and corruption : evidence from a dynamic panel data analysis
2023 |
Ang, Joshua Ping |
Does monetary policy really matter for environmental protection? : the case of inflation targeting
2023 |
Mbassi, Christophe Martial |
Losers amongst the losers : the welfare effects of the great recession across cohorts
2023 |
Ferrari, Alessandro |