Sraffa at Kiel
2012 |
Hagemann, Harald |
Two concepts of regulation : just prices and the limits of pure economics
2012 |
Sturn, Richard |
"Neo-Ricardian theory" versus Marxian theory? : a note
2012 |
Garegnani, Pierangelo |
The empirical linearity of Sraffa's critical output-capital ratios
2012 |
Shaikh, Anwar |
A patchwork post-Keynesian/evolutionary approach to income distribution
2012 |
Roncaglia, Alessandro |
Transformation growth : from a Marshallian neo-classical system to Keynesian growth
2012 |
Nell, Edward J. |
Natural law and the existence and optimality of political equilibrium
2012 |
Chipman, John Somerset |
Economic development and income distribution : Schumpeter and the institutionalist heritage
2012 |
Arena, Richard |
Was Schumpeter Walrasian?
2012 |
Knell, Mark |
The "elusive figure who hides in the preface of Cambridge books" : an appraisal of Richard Kahn's contributions
2012 |
Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina |
Economics in an age of crisis : lessons from the past and present
2012 |
Cardoso, José Luís |
Cantillon revisited
2012 |
Murphy, Antoin E. |
Old Swedes on money and capital
2012 |
Trautwein, Hans-Michael |
Entrepreneurship, risk and income distribution in Cantillon's Essai
2012 |
Aspromourgos, Tony |
Investment in the theory of evolutionary competition
2012 |
Metcalfe, John S. |
Some notes about the relation between the distribution of income and the distribution of property
2012 |
Kalmbach, Peter |
Graphical representations of Overstone's cycle of trade
2012 |
Besomi, Daniele |
Marx's critique of Ricardo's theory of rent : a re-assessment
2012 |
Gehrke, Christian |
On the concepts of period and run in economic theory
2012 |
Harcourt, G. C. |
The privilege of the first, or : why does research work make Heinz happy?
2012 |
Krämer, Hagen M. |