Petrus de Domarto's Missa Spiritus Almus and the early history of the four-voice mass in the Fifteenth Century
2012 |
Wegman, Rob |
Agricola and the Rhizome : an aesthetic of the late Cantus Firmus Mass
2012 |
Fitch, Fabrice |
Symbol and ritual in Josqin's Missa di Dadi
2012 |
Long, Michael |
Competence and incompetence in the papal choir in the age of Palestrina
2012 |
Sherr, Richard |
"As it was in the beginning" : organ and choir pitch in early Anglican church music
2012 |
Johnstone, Andrew |
"Notes as a garland" : the chronology and narrative of Byrd's Gradualia
2012 |
McCarthy, Kerry |
Iudochus de Picardia and Jossequin Lebloitte dit Desprez : the names of the singer(s)
2012 |
Matthews, Lora |
Architectural spaces for music : Jacopo Sansovino and Adrian Willaert at St Mark's
2012 |
Moretti, Laura |
The Joseph Story as told by Orlando di Lasso
2012 |
Harrán, Don |
Pictura et scriptura : the Eton Choirbook in its iconogrophical context
2012 |
Williamson, Magnus |
Cristóbal de Morales in Toledo, 1545-6 : ToleBC 25 and "new" works by Morales, Guerrero, Lobo, Tejeda and Ambiela
2012 |
Noone, Michael J. |
Cristóbal de Morales : a problem of musical mysticism and National identity in the historiography of the Renaissance
2012 |
Ros-Fábregas, Emilio |
So loblich, costlich und herlich, das darvon nit ist ze schreiben : der Auftritt der Kantorei Maximilians I. bei den Exequien für Philipp den Schönen auf dem Reichstag zu Konstanz
2012 |
Körndle, Franz |
Ludwig Senfl and the Munich Choirbooks : the Emperor's or the Duke's
2012 |
Lodes, Birgit |
Music for the Papal chapel in the early Fifteenth Century
2012 |
Planchart, Alejandro Enrique |
The invention of the cyclic mass
2012 |
Kirkman, Andrew |
Gioseffo Zarlino and the Miserere tradition : a Ferrarese connection?
2012 |
Schiltz, Katelijne |
Politische Zentren als musikalische Peripherie? : Probleme einer musikhistorischen Topographie im deutschen Nordwesten des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts
2012 |
Lütteken, Laurenz |