Saint Anselme à la croisée de la théologie scolastique et de la théologie monastique
2006 |
Hubert, André |
Conceptual relations in Hugh of St. Victor's thought
2006 |
Pereira da Silva, José Filipe |
Practice and rhetoric : some thirteenth-century perspectives on the legal frontier between "France" and Toulouse
2006 |
Gardner, Christopher |
Byzance et la frontière : idéologie et réalité
2006 |
Dagron, Gilbert |
Les frontières : codicologie des manuscrits occidentaux
2006 |
Bourgain, Pascale |
Frontiers : Icelandic manuscripts
2006 |
Louis-Jensen, Jonna |
Language frontiers, literary form, and the encyclopedia
2006 |
Copeland, Rita |
Aristotle's De Progressu Animalium in the Middle Ages : translation and interpretation
2006 |
Leemans, Pieter de |
Culture scientifique et néologisme : quelques pratiques de traduction en langue française
2006 |
Ducos, Joe͏̈lle |
Intellectual frontiers in the High and Late Middle Ages
2006 |
Courtenay, William J. |
Thomas Aquinas, muslims, angels and happiness
2006 |
Reynolds, Philip L. |
Finns as aliens and compatriots in the late medieval Kingdom of Sweden
2006 |
Lamberg, Marko |
La scrittura del confine nell'Italia comunale : modelli e funzioni
2006 |
Francesconi, Giampaolo |
Ius Metropoliticum on the Norwegian periphery from Nicholas Breakspear to William of Sabina
2006 |
Perron, Anthony |
The Armenian reaction to the concept of the primacy of the Roman church in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
2006 |
Pogossian, Zaroui |
Ai confini dell'impero : Appunti sulle culture di frontiera a Bisanzio
2006 |
Cavallo, Guglielmo |
Aspetti dell'economia dell'Italia alto medievale : artigiananto e commercio fra Longobardi e Bizantini
2006 |
Salvia, Vasco La |
External and internal frontiers in hebrew manuscripts production
2006 |
Bet-Aryeh, Malʾakhi |
Cultural contacts in economic terms : research on book trade with Scandinavia in the fifteenth and early sixteenth enturies
2006 |
Undorf, Wolfgang |
Translation as pedagogy : academic discourse and changing attitudes toward Latin in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
2006 |
Briggs, Charles F. |