Positive organizational studies : lessons from positive psychology
2003 |
Peterson, Christopher M. |
Virtues and organizations
2003 |
Park, Nansook |
Positive organizing and organizational tragedy
2003 |
Weick, Karl E. |
Organizing for resilience
2003 |
Sutcliffe, Kathleen M. |
Positive and negative emotions in organizations
2003 |
Bagozzi, Richard P. |
New knowledge creation in organizations
2003 |
Toward a theory of positive organizational change
2003 |
Cooperrider, David L. |
Fostering meaningfulness in working and at work
2003 |
Pratt, Michael G. |
Positive organizational network analysis and energizing relationships
2003 |
Baker, Wayne E. |
Developing a discipline of positive organizational scholarship
2003 |
Organizational virtuousness and performance
2003 |
Cameron, Kim S. |
Acts of gratitude in organizations
2003 |
Emmons, Robert A. |
Courageous principled action
2003 |
Worline, Monica C. |
A relational theory of coordination
2003 |
Gittell, Jody Hoffer |
Foundations of positive organizational scholarship
2003 |
Cameron, Kim S. |
Positive emotions and upward spirals in organizations
2003 |
Fredrickson, Barbara |
The power of high-quality connections
2003 |
Dutton, Jane E. |
Finding positive meaning in work
2003 |
Wrzesniewski, Amy |
Empowerment and cascading vitality
2003 |
Feldman, Martha S. |
Investing in strengths
2003 |
Clifton, Donald O. |