The transition to part-time : how professionals negotiate "reduced time and workload" i-deals and craft their jobs
2018 |
Gascoigne, Charlotte |
A lifespan perspective for understanding career self-management and satisfaction : the role of developmental human resource practices and organizational support
2018 |
Jung, Yuhee |
Gender segregation, underemployment and subjective well-being in the UK labour market
2018 |
Kamerāde, Daiga |
Keeping up with the Joneses : industry rivalry, commitment to frames and sensemaking failures
2018 |
Pazzaglia, Federica |
Beyond brokering : sourcing agents, boundary work and working conditions in global supply chains
2018 |
Soundararajan, Vivek |
From horizontal to vertical labour governance : the International Labour Organization (ILO) and decent work in global supply chains
2018 |
Thomas, Huw |
Drawing on the discursive resources from psychological contracts to construct imaginary selves : a psychoanalytic perspective on how identity work drives psychological contracts
2018 |
Driver, Michaela |
The politics of cultural capital : social hierarchy and organizational architecture in the multinational corporation
2018 |
Levy, Orly |
Measuring affective well-being at work using short-form scales : implications for affective structures and participant instructions
2018 |
Russell, Emma |
Analytics and expert collaboration : how individuals navigate relationships when working with organizational data
2018 |
Barbour, Joshua B. |
Committing to refugee resettlement volunteering : attaching, detaching and displacing organizational ties
2018 |
McAllum, Kirstie |
Disentangling passion and engagement : an examination of how and when passionate employees become engaged ones
2018 |
Ho, Violet T. |
Employability among low-skill workers : organizational expectations and practices in the US health care sector
2018 |
Dill, Janette S. |
Performing accountability in health research : a socio-spatial framework
2018 |
Komporozos-Athanasiou, Aris |
Experimenting with work practices in a liminal space : a working period in a rural archipelago
2018 |
Vesala, Hanne |
Informal creative labour practices : a relational work perspective
2018 |
Alacovska, Ana |
Professional image under threat : dealing with learning-credibility tension
2018 |
Bourgoin, Alaric |
Coding military command as a promiscuous practice? : unsettling the gender binaries of leadership metaphors
2018 |
Ashcraft, Karen Lee |
Transnational power and translocal governance : the politics of corporate responsibility
2018 |
Banerjee, Subhabrata Bobby |
Political ideology and the discursive construction of the multinational hotel industry
2018 |
Maclean, Mairi |