Development studies and tourism
2012 |
Telfer, David J. |
Tourism, religion, and spirituality
2012 |
Sharpley, Richard |
Tourism and performance
2012 |
Edensor, Tim |
Gender and tourism discourses : advancing the gender project in tourism studies
2012 |
Aitchison, Cara |
Tourism studies and the New Mobilities Paradigm (NMP)
2012 |
Mavrič, Mišela |
Introduction : the evolution and contemporary positioning of tourism as a focus of study
2012 |
Jamal, Tazim |
The diverse dynamics of cultural studies and tourism
2012 |
Crouch, David |
Tourism and hospitality
2012 |
Bell, David |
Tourism and natural resources
2012 |
Holden, Andrew |
Tourism : a strategic business perspective
2012 |
Evans, Nigel |
Tourism and heritage conservation
2012 |
Orbaşli, Aylin |
The challenges and prospects for sustainable tourism and ecotourism in developing countries
2012 |
Mbaiwa, Joseph E. |
Transportation and tourism : a symbiotic relationship?
2012 |
Page, Stephen |
Innovative approaches for managing conservation and use challenges in the national parks : insights from Canada
2012 |
Rettie, Kathleen |
Destination marketing organizations : convention and visitors bureaus
2012 |
Ford, Robert C. |
Tourism safety and security
2012 |
Tarlow, Peter E. |
Conclusions : tourism studies ; past omissions, emergent challenges
2012 |
Robinson, Mike |
Tourism, popular culture and the media
2012 |
Long, Philip |
Power, politics, and political science : the politization of tourism
2012 |
Richter, Linda K. |
Breaking down the system : how volunteer tourism contributes to new ways of viewing commodified tourism
2012 |
Wearing, Stephen |