Buffet or à la carte : pricing digital goods
2012 |
Verma, Deepti |
The issue of fragmentation on mobile games platforms
2012 |
Deriving value in the IDM market : open vs. closed platforms
2012 |
Alexander, Nisha |
Exploiting P2P in new media distribution
2012 |
Mansukhani, Marcus |
Value creation in mobile operating systems
2012 |
Sander Myint Shwe |
Impact of IDM on healthcare
2012 |
Stephanie, Lena |
Blended learning : using IDM for university courses
2012 |
Jones, Kevin Anthony |
IDM products vs. services : a comparative analysis
2012 |
Budi, Aditya |
The problem with free Web content
2012 |
The role of social networks in the viral marketing of IDM
2012 |
Value assessment in e-government
2012 |
Lai Pek Hia |
The wisdom of the crowds : creating value with blogs and eWoM
2012 |
Wei, Zhang |
Saviours and barbarians at the gate : dilemmas of regulatory policies for new media
2012 |
Mahizhnan, Arun |
Regulation of violence in MMORPG
2012 |
Lim Poh Heng |
The future of newspapers
2012 |
Kurniawan, Antonius Ruddy |
A comparison of pricing strategies for digital goods
2012 |
Lei, Peng |
Bundling strategy in the IDM marketplace
2012 |
Goh Kok Min |
Profiting from IDM innovation : learning from Amazon.com and iTunes
2012 |
Bakrudeen Hyder Ali Nizam |
Can IPTV survive in Singapore's small and over-crowded market?
2012 |
Yi, Yang |
Disruptions in the IDM marketplace : time-shifted TV
2012 |
Jian, Huang |