The distance bias in natural disaster reporting - empirical evidence for the United States
2019 |
Berlemann, Michael |
Standing on the shoulder of giants : the aspect of free-riding in RePEc rankings
2018 |
Meyer, Justus |
Optimal forecast evaluation : fertilizer prices
2018 |
Kim, Seon-Woong |
Contingent convertible bonds : who invests in European CoCos?
2018 |
Boermans, Martijn A. |
An estimate of the producer cost of liability for oil spills
2018 |
Maniloff, Peter |
Option valuation with liquidity risk and jumps
2018 |
Zhang, Hai |
Commodity exports and labour productivity in the long run
2018 |
Csordás, Stefan |
Education and the minimum wage in the United States
2018 |
Pargianas, Christos |
The interplay between target firm R&D, acquirer debt financing and takeover premia
2018 |
Mataigne, Virginie |
A benchmark for wage growth through the lens of the Beveridge curve
2018 |
Kajuth, Florian |
Financial dependence and the terms of payments in international transactions
2018 |
Turkcan, Kemal |
International reserves and trilemma policy convergence in Malaysia
2018 |
Law, Chee-Hong |
Unemployment persistence in EU countries : new evidence using bounded unit root tests
2018 |
Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu |
Entry and pricing on Broadway
2018 |
Jaworski, Taylor |
Volatility, maturity and volume in the Indian metals futures
2018 |
Pati, Pratap Chandra |
Long-run expectations in a learning-to-forecast experiment
2018 |
Colasante, Annarita |
Is it China that leads the Asian stock market contagion in 2015?
2018 |
Fang, Lu |
Facebook-to-Facebook : online communication and economic cooperation
2018 |
Abatayo, Anna Lou |
Racial diversity and academic test scores in public elementary schools
2018 |
Mar, Don |
Patterns of poverty among elderly Americans : a latent class Markov model
2018 |
Li Donni, Paolo |