Elliptiques variations sur un thème connu : compétence judiciaire, conflits de lois et reconnaissance de décisions en matière alimentaire d'après le règlement (CE) no 4/2009 du Conseil
2011 |
Kohler, Christian |
On the Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction and its application by the Supreme Court of Finland
2011 |
Möller, Gustaf |
Cross-border multimodal transport : problems and limits of finding an appropriate legal regime
2011 |
Furrer, Andreas |
UN-Kaufrecht und Verbracher
2011 |
Magnus, Ulrich |
Questions of contract law in the new Hungarian civil code
2011 |
Vékás, Lajos |
Legal capacity, arbitration and private international law
2011 |
Cordero Moss, Guiditta |
The liguistic factor in the circulation of arbitral awards and some of its pitfalls
2011 |
Frigo, Manlio |
Conflict of laws with Folgerecht ('droit de suite') on the sale of works of art in and out of Europe : after the EC Directive No. 2001/84
2011 |
Erauw, Johan |
Conflict of laws and divorce : judicial practice and legislative development of Taiwan
2011 |
Duncan, William |
Recognition in the Forum of a Status Acquired Abroad : private international law rules and European human rights law
2011 |
Kinsch, Patrick |
External public policy, the indidental question properly so-called and the recognition of foreign divorce orders
2011 |
Neels, Jan L. |
Sorrogacy, a new way to become a mother? : A new PIL issue
2011 |
Struycken, A. V. M. |
Contracts of carriage and the conflict of laws
2011 |
Morse, Robin |
Parallel litigation : is convergence possible?
2011 |
Bergmann, George A. |
La clause attributive de jurisdiction, un moyen d'échapper aux lois de police?
2011 |
Gaudemet-Tallon, Hélène |
The effects of assignment on arbitration agreements : why conflicts-of-laws theory is still needed
2011 |
Girsberger, Daniel |
Comparative and international law in the United States : mixed signals
2011 |
Hay, Peter |
Presumptions, escape clauses and international carriage of goods contracts
2011 |
Pauknerová, Monika |
Tourism, conflict of laws and the Rome I Regulation
2011 |
Remien, Oliver |
Israeli foreign judgments law : a case for codification?
2011 |
Wasserstein Fassberg, Celia |