Antecedents of purchase intention in the online context
2017 |
Bebber, Suélen |
Role of customer retention equity in creating and developing brand value
2017 |
Chahal, Hardeep |
Identifying customer loyalty supporting factors in the retail banking context : an empirical examination
2017 |
Bhatnagar, Shakti Bodh |
What really leads to partner relationship management? : a review of literature
2017 |
Agarwal, Anuja |
Assessing value co-creation and new product success from cultural orientations and relationship marketing perspectives
2017 |
Sulhaini |
Methodological choices in relationship quality (RQ) research 1987 to 2015 : a systematic literature review
2017 |
Osobajo, Oluyomi Abayomi |
Do loyalty cards enhance loyalty in the pharmaceutical sector?
2017 |
Marques, Susana Henriques |
Antecedents and consequences of mutual trust in PPPs
2017 |
Panchapakesan Padma |
Moderating price sensitivity of low-uncertainty daily eco-friendly products : creating benevolence trust and reducing uncertainties
2017 |
Wu, Couchen |
A relationship governance perspective of organizational buyers' supplier choice decisions
2017 |
Gao, Tao |
Internet-based relationship marketing : a Sub-Saharan African perspective
2017 |
Mahmoud, Mahmoud Abdulai |
Customer interaction management capabilities on the micro-retail fashion in Indonesia
2017 |
Nurhayati, Tatiek |
The moderating role of involvement on the overchoice effect in retail decision making
2017 |
Vieira, Valter Afonso |
Performing under pressure : winning customers through improvisation in team selling
2017 |
Hill, Katerina E. |
What are the building blocks of customer brand loyalty in department stores? : a multi-level mediation analysis
2017 |
Nikhashemi, S. R. |
A transaction cost framework in supply chain relationships : a social capital perspective
-2016 |
Kanwal, Aneela |
Conceptional study of relationship signals in the IT services sector in India
-2016 |
Biswas, Supriya |
Emotional and altruistic values as drivers for a loyalty-based segementation in retailing : an approach to postrecession Spanish apparel consumers
-2016 |
Gallarza-Granizo, Martina G. |
The influence of Facebok engagement on relationship quality and consumer behavior in the National Basketball Association
-2016 |
Achen, Rebecca M. |
Shared governance : the key to higher eduaction equilibrium
-2016 |
Bejou, David |