Special issue: inter-organisational networks : towards linking individual, organisational and global phenomena |
2019 |
volume 21, number 6 (2019) |
Special issue: triple helix dynamics for innovation and regional growth |
2019 |
volume 21, number 3/4 (2019) |
Business models/projects : design, venture, manage and evaluate |
2017 |
volume 19, no. 3 (2017) |
Managing business challenges through innovation and entrepreneurship |
2017 |
volume 19, no. 5 (2017) |
Knowledge asset management for sustainable growth |
2017 |
volume 19, no. 4 (2017) |
Public-private partnerships and financial performance in or out of crisis |
2016 |
volume 18, nos. 3/4 (2016) |
Foreign direct investment in the aftermath of the current global economic crisis |
2016 |
volume 18, no. 2 (2016) |
Special issue: Empirical finance, economic policy and business performance |
2015 |
Vol. 17, No. 3, 2015 |
Special issue: Performance, growth and accounting reform versus failure beyond economic crises |
2015 |
17.2015,1 |
Time series applications, macroeconomics/trade issues and ethics |
2014 |
16.20014,1 |
Special issue: Economic performance and new quantitative tools |
2013 |
15.2013,1 |
Innovative approaches on global issues in marketing and finance |
2013 |
15.20013,2/3 |
Special issue: Establishing a new world order post financial crisis |
2013 |
15.2013,4 |
Special Issue: Competitiveness and sustainability of countries' economies |
2012 |
14.2012,1/2 |
Special issue: global economic trends |
2011 |
13.2011,1 |
Special issue: Economics, finance and accounting |
2011 |
13.2011,3/4 |
Special issue: Sustainable energy and natural resources policies |
2010 |
12.2010,3 |
Special issue: Ethnicity cultural diversity and entrepreneurship |
2010 |
12.2010,1/2 |
Special issue: The economics of illegal financial markets |
2008 |
10.2008,3 |
Special issue: CIBAM and the symposium on security, terrorism and business |
2008 |
10.2008,2 |