Non-state actors from the perspective of the pure theory of law
2011 |
Kammerhofer, Jörg |
Non-state actors from the perspective of the policy-oriented school : power, law, actors and the view from New Haven
2011 |
D'Amato, Anthony |
Non-state actors in French legal scholarship : international legal personality in question
2011 |
Le Roux, Nicolas |
Non-state actors in North American legal scholarship : four lessons for the progressive and critical international lawyer
2011 |
Bachand, Rémi |
Non-state actors from the perspective of the International Court of Justice
2011 |
Hernández, Gleider I. |
Non-state actors from the perspective of the International Committee of the Red Cross
2011 |
Van Steenberghe, Raphaël |
Non-state actors in international dispute settlement : pragmatism in internatinal law
2011 |
Brabandere, Eric de |
Non-state actors in EU law-making and law-enforcement processes : a quest for legitimacy
2011 |
Gerard, Damien |
Non-state actors from the perspective of the Institut de Droit International
2011 |
Rigaux, Francois |
The International Law Association and non-state actors : professional network, public interst group or epistemic community?
2011 |
Noortmann, Math |
Non-state actors and human rights : corporate responsibility and the attempts to formalize the role of corporations as participants in the international legal systems
2011 |
Brabandere, Eric de |
Non-state actors in international peace and security : non-state actors and the use of force
2011 |
Tsagourias, Nicholas |
Non-state actors in international investment law : the legal personality of corporations and NGOs in the context of investor-state arbitration
2011 |
Dumberry, Patrick |
Non-state actors in international environmental law : a Rousseauist perspective
2011 |
Mbengue, Makane Moi͏̈se |
Non-state actors in refugee law : l'état, c'est moi : refugee law as a response to non-state action
2011 |
Mathew, Penelope |
Non-state actors from the perspective of legal positivism : the communitarian semantics for the secondary rules of international law
2011 |
D'Aspremont, Jean |
Non-state actors from perspective of international criminal tribunals
2011 |
Acquaviva, Guido |
Non-state actors in international humanitarian law
2011 |
Ryngaert, Cedric |
Non-actors in international institutional law : non-state, inter-state or supra-state? The peculiar identitiy of the intergovernmental organization
2011 |
Collins, Richard |
Non-state actors from the perspective of the pure theory of law
2011 |
Kleinlein, Thomas |