Corporate governance and executive perquisites
2017 |
Andrews, Angela |
Do non-staggered board elections matter to earnings quality and the value relevance of earnings and book value?
2017 |
Chiang, Shuling |
Cross-sectional variation of market efficiency
2017 |
Jiang, Jing |
Bank earnings smoothing, audit quality and procyclicality in Africa : the case of loan loss provisions
2017 |
Ozili, Peterson K. |
Latent semantic analysis of the FOMC statements
2017 |
Mazis, Panagiotis |
Stock return autocorrelation, day of the week and volatility : an empirical investigation on the Saudi Arabian stock market
2017 |
Chowdhury, Shah Saeed Hassan |
Voluntary information disclosure and sell-side analyst coverage intensity
2017 |
Hamouni, Amal |
Audit quality and attributes of management earnings forecasts
2017 |
Chi, Yu-Ho |
Herd behavior in the French stock market
2017 |
Litimi, Houda |
Audit deficiency and auditor workload : evidence from PCAOB triennially inspected firms
2017 |
Chang, C. Janie |
Real activities manipulation by bidders prior to mergers and acquisitions
2017 |
Farooqi, Javeria |
Does corporate social responsibility disclosure improve firm investment efficiency? : evidence from China
2017 |
Zhong, Ma |
The contextual nature of the association between managerial ability and audit fees
2017 |
Li, Yutao |
The profitability of Chinese banks : impacts of risk, competition and efficiency
2017 |
Tan, Yong |
Short- and long-term debt determinants in Swedish SMEs
2017 |
Öhman, Peter |
The market impact of the involvement of the EU/ECB/IMF in crisis-affected countries during the European sovereign debt crisis
2017 |
Kousenidis, Dimitrios V. |
Geographic proximity between lender and borrower : how does it affect crowdfunding?
2017 |
Kim, Hakwoon |
The impact of dividend policy on price-earnings ratio : the role of conditional and nonlinear relationship
2017 |
Boonlert Jitmaneeroj |
Managerial opportunism and real activities manipulation : evidence from option backdating firms
2017 |
Amoah, Nana Y. |
Analyst ratings for firms filing for and reorganizing under Chapter 11
2017 |
Precourt, Elena |