Stackelberg competition, innovation and social efficiency of entry
2017 |
Chao, Angela C. |
"Putting a foot in the door" : volunteer hiring and organizational form
2017 |
Vlassopoulos, Michael |
Pricing an experience composite good as coordinated signals
2017 |
Kim, Jeong-yoo |
Signaling unobservable quality choice through price and advertising : the case with competing firms
2017 |
Fulan, Wu |
Foreign exchange inflows in emerging markets : how much are they sterilised?
2017 |
Bleaney, Michael F. |
Deliberation, leadership and information aggregation
2017 |
Rivas, Javier |
Optimal transparency and policy intervention with heterogeneous signals and information stickiness
2017 |
James, Jonathan G. |
The national minimum wage and the substitutability between young and old workers in low paid occupations
2017 |
Lanot, Gauthier |
Solitary city : time, space and urban policy
2017 |
Oshiro, Jun |
Preemptive mergers in a vertically differentiated unionized oligopoly
2017 |
Mesa-Sánchez, Borja |
On the number of licenses with signalling
2017 |
Antelo Suárez, Manuel |
Unionization regimes, capacity choice by firms and welfare outcomes
2017 |
Fanti, Luciano |
Irish firms' productivity and imported inputs
2017 |
Forlani, Emanuele |
Privatization and entry with switching costs
2017 |
Dong, Quan |
Using panel data to estimate income under-reporting by the self-employed
2017 |
Kim, Bonggeun |
Grades across Universities over time
2017 |
Johnes, Geraint |
The storm before the calm? : adverse effects of tackling organized crime
2017 |
Long, Iain W. |
Frictional and non-frictional unemployment in a labor market with matching frictions
2017 |
Ramón García, José |
Endogenous product boundary
2017 |
Adachi, Takanori |
Why do countries adopt fiscal rules?
2017 |
Altunbaş, Yener |