Renaissance Homer and wedding chests : the "Odyssey" at the crossroads of humanist learning, the visual vernacular, and the socialization of bodies
2017 |
Zerba, Michelle |
Michelangelo's "Pietà" as tomb monument
2017 |
Fenichel, Emily A. |
Poussin's elephant
2017 |
Rice, Louise |
Humanism and printing in the work of Conrad Gesner : the 2016 Josephine Waters Bennett lecture
2017 |
Blair, Ann |
Ficino on force, magic, and prayers : neoplatonic and hermetic influences in Ficino's "Three books in life"
2017 |
Robichaud, Denis J.-J. |
Storied objects, scientific objects, and Renaissance experiment : the case of malleable glass
2017 |
Keller, Vera |
Memorializing the wars of religion in early seventeenth-century French picture galleries : protestants and catholics painting the contested past
2017 |
Van der Linden, David |
Naming the tiger in the early modern world
2017 |
Thorley, David |
Hispanic conciliarism and the imperial politics of reform on the eve of the council of Trient
2017 |
Tubau, Xavier |
Humanist lives of classical philosophers and the idea of Renaissance secularization : virtue, rhetoric, and the orthodox sources of unbelief
2017 |
Palmer, Ada |
Music, silence, and the senses in a late fifteenth-century book of hours
2017 |
Shephard, Tim |
Actors, orators, and the boundaries of drama in Elizabethan universities
2017 |
Blank, Daniel |
Why mountains matter : early modern roots of a modern notion
2017 |
Korenjak, Martin |
The Italian London of John North : cultural contact and linguistic encounter in early modern England
2017 |
Gallagher, John |
Placing Petrarch's legacy : the politics of Petrarch's tomb and Boccaccio's last letter
2017 |
Lummus, David |
Milton and legal reform
2016 |
Chapman, Alison A. |
Civic piety and patriotism : patrician humanists and jews in Venice and its empire
2016 |
Bowd, Stephen |
[Rezension von: Lateinisches Welfenland: Eine literaturgeschichtliche Kartographie zur lateinischen Gelegenheitsdichtung im Herzogtum Braunschweig-Lüneburg im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Matthias Bollmeyer. Noctes Neolatinae: Neo-Latin Texts and Studies 20. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2014]
2016 |
Vredeveld, Harry |
Visualizing the immaculate conception : Donatello, Francesco della Rovere, and the high altar and choir screen at the church of the Santo in Padua
2016 |
McHam, Sarah Blake |
Scholarly addiction : "Doctor Faustus" and the drama of devotion
2016 |
Lemon, Rebecca |