From the relative women disadvantage index to women's quality-of-life
2011 |
Berenger, Valérie |
Applying a non-parametric efficiency analysis to measure conversion efficiency in Great Britain
2011 |
Binder, Martin |
The effect of home-country gender status on the labor market success of immigrants
2011 |
Huh, Yunsun |
On weighting the components of the Human Development Index : a statistical justification
2011 |
Nguefack-Tsague, Georges |
The capability approach : a framework for official German poverty and wealth reports
2011 |
Arndt, Christian |
A human development index by internal migrational status
2011 |
Harttgen, Kenneth |
The impact of remittances on economic insecurity
2010 |
Sharma, Krishnan |
Protecting capability, eradicating extreme poverty : Chile Solidario and the future of social protection
2010 |
Barrientos, Armando |
Introduction: employment, inequality and globalization ; a continuous concern
2010 |
Hoeven, Rolph van der |
Does fast growth in India and China help of harm US workers?
2010 |
Izurieta, Alex |
Employment, basic needs and human development : elements for a new international paradigm in response to crisis
2010 |
Jolly, Richard |
Say's law, poverty persistence, and employment neglect
2010 |
Amsden, Alice H. |
Theory of justice for an imperfect world : exploring Amartya Sen's idea of justice
2010 |
Osmani, Siddiqur Rahman |
The idea of justice : Sen's treatment of human rights
2010 |
Vizard, Polly |
Is this truly an idea of justice?
2010 |
Broome, John |
How the new poverty agenda neglected social and employment policies in Africa
2010 |
Mkandawire, Thandika |
Income inequality and employment revisited : can one make sense of economic policy?
2010 |
Hoeven, Rolph van der |
Income distribution under Latin America's new left regimes
2010 |
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea |
The crisis of globalization as a opportunity to create a fairer world
2010 |
Vos, Rob |
Gender budgets : a capability approach
2010 |
Addabbo, Tindara |