Instructive discourse in internal business communication : comprehensibility and target group orientation
2011 |
Dieltjens, Sylvain |
Management of multilingualism in multinational companies of German origin in the Czech Republic
2011 |
Engelhardt, Oliver |
Companies' websites as vehicles for expressing corporate identity : a case study on the use of English as a Lingua Franca
2011 |
Poppi, Franca |
Virtue and its eloquence : CSR reporting in China
2011 |
Strafella, Giorgio |
Illocution and perlocution in advertising communication : advising, promising, persuading
2011 |
Berti, Barbara |
Discourse, communication and the enterprise : an introduction
2011 |
Garzone, Giuliana |
Seeing the wood for the trees : a research agenda with a new focus
2011 |
Charles, Mirjaliisa |
Metadiscourse on the move : the CEO's letter revisited
2011 |
Gillaerts, Paul |
Social and environmental reports : a short-term diachronic perspective on an emerging genre
2011 |
Catenaccio, Paola |
Discursive changes in corporate and institutional communication
2011 |
Gotti, Maurizio |
"Doing well by doing good" : a comparative analysis of Nokia's and Ericsson's corporate social responsibility reports
2011 |
Malavasi, Donatella |
Saving Opel : discursive perspectives on news management
2011 |
Jacobs, Geert |
Genre variation in tobacco advertising
2011 |
Garzone, Giuliana |
The impact of globalization on holstic brand communication strategy online and offline : the cognitive dimension
2011 |
Schmidt, Christopher M. |
Advertising ELT materials on the Web : what identity for "local" EFL teachers?
2011 |
Nava, Andrea |
Realisations of intertextuality, interdiscursivity and hybridisation in the discourses of professionals
2011 |
Warren, Martin |
"Our mission and our values" : an approach to Russian Banks' communication strategies
2011 |
Cotta Ramusino, Paola |
Gazprom's environmental report : peculiarities of an emerging genre
2011 |
Goletiani, Liana |
Business and national identity : the press coverage of Fiat's bids for Chrysler and Opel
2011 |
Degano, Chiara |
Food for thought : the discursive rehearsal of the Milano Expo 2015
2011 |
Paganoni, Maria Cristina |