Contemporary recession and the main instruments of stabilization policy in Poland's economy
2011 |
Barczyk, Ryszard |
Polish foreign trade and foreign direct investment during the transition period
2011 |
Gorynia, Marian |
The double challenge of transformation and integration : European experiences and consequences for Korea
2011 |
Sepp, Jüri |
Cluster evaluation
2011 |
Skawińska, Eulalia |
External migration of labour force and their economic significance for Polish labour market
2011 |
Kwiatkowska, Walentyna |
Bankruptcies of enterprises and the Owner's supervision
2011 |
Mączyńska, Elżbieta |
Development of managerial competences in Poland
2011 |
Sitko-Lutek, Agnieszka |
Crises in the cluster life-cycle : analysis of the cases in Poland
2011 |
Knop, Lilla |
Multi-aspect analysis of reserves in administration
2011 |
Niedźwiedziński, Marian |
Measuring the outcomes of human resources management
2011 |
Andrzejczak, Aldona |
Economic crisis or the crisis of economics
2011 |
Bukowski, Sławomir I. |
The influence of the global financial crisis on the changes in the world economy
2011 |
Rynarzewski, Tomasz |
Financial crisis and its implications for top executives remuneration policy
2011 |
Urbanek, Piotr |
Interactions between growth and inequality : an evergreen question in theory and empiries
2011 |
Paas, Tiiu |
Trends in the development of competences for the innovative behavior : based on a survey conducted in selected Polish municipalities
2011 |
Okoń-Horodyńska, Ewa |
The economic crisis in the Russian federation with the special consideration of energy sector
2011 |
Czerewacz-Filipowicz, Katarzyna |
Social accounting as a suitable approach for university accounting
2011 |
Eerma, Diana |
The role of marketing in combating the results of economic crisis in the European Union markets
2011 |
Pabian, Arnold |
A breakthrough to sustainability
2011 |
Kozłowska, Barbara |
Post-Soviet governments of Central Asia in face of the global financial crisis
2011 |
Konopelko, Agnieszka |