Phenomenal awareness and consciousness from a neurobiological perspective
2000 |
Singer, Wolf |
face representation without conscious processing
2000 |
Khurana, Beena |
Conscious registration of continuous and discrete visual events
2000 |
Nijhawan, Romi |
Imaging conscious vision
2000 |
ffytche, Dominic |
Candidates for the NCC III : consciousness anesthesia, and the NMDA receptor complex
2000 |
NMDA receptor-mediated computational processes and phenomenal consciousness
2000 |
Flohr, Hans |
How to understand the N in NCC
2000 |
Gray Hardcastle, Valerie |
Toward the neural correlates of selfhood, agency, and social cognition
2000 |
Awareness of agency : three levels of analysis
2000 |
Proust, Joe͏̈lle |
Foundational issues and conceptual problems
2000 |
What is a neural correlate of consciousness?
2000 |
Chalmers, David J. |
The perennial problem of the reductive explainability of phenomenal consciousness : C. D. Broad on the exlanatory gap
2000 |
Beckermann, Ansgar |
The role of NMDA receptors in consciousness : what can we learn from anesthetic mechanisms
2000 |
Franks, Nicholas P. |
Prospects for a scientific research program on consciusness
2000 |
Revonsuo, Antti |
The evolution and ontogeny of consciousness
2000 |
Roth, Gerhard |
The unconscious homunculus
2000 |
Crick, Francis |
Reentry and the dynamic core : neural correlates of conscious experience
2000 |
Edelman, Gerald M. |
Visual perception without awareness : priming responses by color
2000 |
Schmidt, Thomas |
Space in the brain : different neural substrates for allocentric and egocentric frames of reference
2000 |
Goodale, Melvyn A. |
Binocular rivalry and human visual awareness
2000 |
Lumer, Erik D. |