Explaining unemployed protest in the Ruhr at the end of the Weimar Republic
2011 |
Zukas, Alex |
Breaking the silence : rationale, protest, and identity in the provincial press of the unemployed in France, 1931 - 1939
2011 |
Perry, Matt |
Fractious factions: the organized unemployed and the labour movement in New Zealand, 1978 - 1990
2011 |
Locke, Cybèle |
How far beyond Marienthal? : unemployed protest in Germany in the internet era
2011 |
Vietor-Engländer, Deborah |
The mobilization of the unemployed : a recurrent but relatively invisible phenomenon
2011 |
Chabanet, Didier |
Beyond Marienthal : understanding movements of the Unemployed
2011 |
Perry, Matt |
Violating the "rules of hospitality" : the protests of jobless immigrants in depression-era France
2011 |
Slaby, Philip H. |
Politicization of unemployment in British-ruled Palestine
2011 |
De Vries, David |
Mobilizing the unemployed : the social psychology of movement participation
2011 |
Klandermans, Bert |
The march of the Blankerteers : tragic failure or pioneer of unemployed protest?
2011 |
Schulte Beerbühl, Margrit |
From poor relief to politics : the protest of the British unemployed in the 1870s and 1880s
2011 |
Reiss, Matthias |
Unemployment without protest : the ironstone mining communities of East Cleveland in the inter-war period
2011 |
Chase, Malcolm |
From protest to warning : representations of the unemployed in Victor Gollancz's Left Book Club, 1937 - 1945
2011 |
Capet, Antoine |
"Natural love for a good thing" : the struggle of the unemployed worders" : movement for a government jobs programme, 1931 - 1942
2011 |
Gabriel, Jeannette |
Protesting individuals : the French unemployed in the 1930s
2011 |
Seidman, Michael |
"The worders are in the mood to fight the act" : protest against the means test, 1931 - 1935
2011 |
Ward, Stephanie |
Radio Lorraine Cœur d'Acier, Longwy-France, 1979 - 1980 : reacting to the threat of unemployment
2011 |
Hayes, Ingrid |