The Nonprofit Sector in Historical Perspective: Traditions of Philanthropy in the West
2006 |
Robbins, Kevin C. |
Economic Theories of Nonprofit Organizations
2006 |
Steinberg, Richard |
Nonprofit Organizations and Political Advocacy
2006 |
Craig Jenkins, J. |
International Nongovernmental Organizations
2006 |
Boli, John |
Scope and Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector
2006 |
Boris, Elizabeth T. |
The Legal Framework for Nonprofit Organizations
2006 |
Brody, Evelyn |
Nonprofit Membership Associations
2006 |
Tschirhart, Mary |
Why Do People Give?
2006 |
Vesterlund, Lise |
Nonprofit Mission: Constancy, Responsiveness, or Deflection?
2006 |
Minkoff, Debra C. |
Charitable Givin: How Much, by Whom, to What, and How?
2006 |
Havens, John J. |
Nonprofit Organizations and the Market
2006 |
Brown, Eleanor |
The Federal Tax Treatment of Charitable Organizations
2006 |
Simon, John |
2006 |
Prewitt, Kenneth |
Higher Education : Evolving Forms and Emerging Markets
2006 |
Gumport, Patricia J. |
A Historical Overview of Philanthropy, Voluntary Associations, and Nonprofit Organizations in the United States, 1600-2000
2006 |
Dobkin Hall, Peter |
The Nonprofit Sector in Comparative Persective
2006 |
Anheier, Helmut K. |
Work in the Nonprofit Sector
2006 |
Leete, Laura |
Collaboration between Corporations and Nonprofit Organizations
2006 |
Galaskiewicz, Joseph |
The Constitition of Citizens: Political Theories of Nonprofit Organizations
2006 |
Clemens, Elisabeth S. |
Scope and Theory of Government-Nonprofit Relations
2006 |
Smith, Steven Rathgeb |