The world food and nutrition situation and outlook - China
2005 |
Fang, Cheng |
Agricultural world markets : is the world finally caught in the Malthusian trap?
2005 |
Witzke, Harald von |
Investment capital and the role of transnational corporations
2005 |
Nuppenau, Ernst-August |
Information technology for food security in a global environment
2005 |
Schiefer, Gerhard W. |
The International Fund for Agricultural Development
2005 |
Sand, Klemens van de |
The role of food security in the context of Germany's development cooperation
2005 |
Haas, H.-Jochen de |
Fast-food globalization and its critics - food security, food safety and globalization critics
2005 |
Altvater, Elmar |
Food and nutrition security in programs and projects of Deutsche Welthungerhilfe/DWHH (German Agro action)
2005 |
Hochwald, Manfred |
Rural financial markets for food security
2005 |
Buchenrieder, Gertrud |
Theorizing globalization : a sociologists̕ view
2005 |
Berking, Helmuth |
Urban agriculture : ist impact on the food security of urban populations
2005 |
Schug, Walter |
The changing nature-society relationship (NSR) : managing coasts and oceans sustainably
2005 |
Glaeser, Bernhard |
Global markets - glocal policies : gender mainstreaming in fishery policies and integrated coastal zone management
2005 |
Zdunnek, Gabriele |
The failure of governance : politics, sociology and the perspectives of food insecurity in India
2005 |
Voll, Klaus |
Emerging food-related health problems in globalization
2005 |
Schwefel, Detlef |
Combating HIV/AIDS : the role of cultural contexts in the globalized world
2005 |
Katzan, Julia |
Urbanization trends : the implications for food security
2005 |
Brown, Lynn R. |
What has conjugal bliss to do with changing food habits? : urban food consumption in Cotonou
2005 |
Elwert-Kretschmer, Karola |
The intersection of food and water security : a case study of the Near East
2005 |
Wachtel, Howard M. |
Adequate food and nutrition as a human right?
2005 |
Kracht, Uwe |