The old Norse kings's sagas and European Latin historiography
2016 |
Bagge, Sverre |
Murder and morality in "Salman und Morolf"
2016 |
Boyer, Tina |
Sir Launfal's creative abuses
2016 |
Barlow, Gania |
Saracen sensibilities : muslims and otherness in medieval saga literature
2016 |
Sverrir Jakobsson |
"Tenlvmyne" the Laetabundus : John Lydgate als Benedictine poet
2016 |
Riyeff, Jacob |
The book of friends
2016 |
Flatt, Tyler |
"Alle in generalle and nothing in specialle" : general and special in Julian of Norwich's "Revelation of love"
2016 |
Rush, Rebecca M. |
Wounds shall be worships : Anselm in Julian of Norwich's "Revelation of love"
2016 |
Healy-Varley, Margaret |
Anima Carnis in Sanguine Est : blood, life and "The King of Tars"
2016 |
Star, Sarah |
Gender, violence, and the "enigma" of Gísla saga
2016 |
Turco, Jeffrey |
Chaucer's sources and Chaucer's lies : "Anelida and Arcite" and the poetics of fabrication
2015 |
Miller, T. S. |
In pursuit of "trewth" : ambiguity and meaning in "Amis and Amiloun"
2015 |
Haught, Leah |
Julian of Norwich and John Capgrave : "Foule Black Dede Hame"/"Hame of Blyndnes"
2015 |
Cervone, Cristina Maria |
Conjuring history : mother, nun, and incubus in Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Historia Regum Britanniae"
2015 |
Curley, Michael J. |
The courteous monster : chivalry, violence, and social control in "The Carl of Carlisle"
2015 |
Lindsay, Sarah |
English law and the Man of law's "prose" tale
2015 |
Johnson, Eleanor |
Norse-derived terms in Orm's Lexico-semantic field of emotion
2015 |
Pons-Sanz, Sara María |
"Rowned She a Pistel" : national institutions and identities according to Chaucer's Wife of Bath
2015 |
Nakley, Susan |
New perspectives on the reception and revision of "Guy of Warwick" in the fifteenth century
2014 |
Gos, Giselle |
Irony in medieval and early modern German literature : "Nibelungenlied", "Mauritius von Craûn", Johannes von Tepl's "Ackermann" : the encounter of the "Menschlich-Allzumenschlich" in a medieval context
2014 |
Classen, Albrecht |