Consenec - a well-proven model
2010 |
Hoerhager, Kurt |
Using innovation contests to master challenges of demographic change - insights from research and practice
2010 |
Bullinger-Hoffmann, Angelika C. |
Demographic change as a challenge for societies at large
2010 |
Wilenius, Markku |
Demographic change and the changing nature of the concept of work
2010 |
Wolf, Carola |
An integrated framework for investigating the challenges and opportunities of demographic change
2010 |
Boehm, Stephan A. |
Demographic change calls for change in the demographic research landscape - a German perspective
2010 |
Walter, Norbert |
Demographic change and the economically active populations of OECD countries - could older workers compensate for the decline?
2010 |
Henseke, Golo |
Ageing, health and disability - an economic perspective
2010 |
Karlsson, Martin |
Generational leadership - how to manage five different generations in the workforce
2010 |
Kunze, Florian |
From grey to silver - more than a question of age
2010 |
Bilhuber Galli, Eva |
Age diversity and its performance implications - analysing a major future workforce trend
2010 |
Boehm, Stephan A. |
How Swisscom copes with the challenges of demographic change
2010 |
Pfeiffer, Guenter |
Demographic change - the role of the social context
2010 |
Mörikofer-Zwez, Stéphanie |
Rationale for and implementation of age-neutral HRM in divergent institutional contexts - examples from Britain and Germany
2010 |
Schroeder, Heike |
Stepping down but not out - characteristics of post-executive careers in Switzerland
2010 |
Greve, Peder |
We could have known better - consumer-oriented marketing in Germany's ageing market
2010 |
Leyhausen, Frank |
Japan's growing silver market - an attractive business opportunity for foreign companies?
2010 |
Kohlbacher, Florian |