Wave setup
2010 |
Dean, Robert G. |
Random wave breaking and nonlinearity evolution across the surf zone
2010 |
Goda, Yoshimi |
Short-term wave statistics
2010 |
Kimura, Akira |
Generation and prediction of seiches in Rotterdam harbor basins
2010 |
Jong, Martijn P. C. de |
Wave interaction with breakwaters including perforated walls
2010 |
Suh, Kyung-Duck |
Design of alternative revetments
2010 |
Pilarczyk, Krystian |
Remarks on coastal stabilization and alternative solutions
2010 |
Pilarczyk, Krystian |
Beach nourishment
2010 |
Dean, Robert G. |
Engineering of tidal inlets and morphologic consequences
2010 |
Kraus, Nicholas C. |
Water and nutrients flow in the enclosed bays
2010 |
Koibuchi, Yukio |
Physical modeling of tsunami waves
2010 |
Briggs, Michael J. |
Finite difference model for practical simulation of distant tsunamis
2010 |
Yoon, Sung Bum |
Tsunami-induced forces on structures
2010 |
Wave run-up and wave overtopping at armored rubble slopes and mounds
2010 |
Wave overtopping at vertical and steep structures
2010 |
Bruce, Tom |
State of offshore structure development and design challenges
2010 |
Chakrabarti, Subrata |
Computer modeling for harbor planning and design
2010 |
Lee, Jiin-Jen |
Suspended sand and bedload transport on beaches
2010 |
Kobayashi, Nobuhisa |
Headland-Bay beaches for recreation and shore protection
2010 |
Sea level rise and coastal erosion
2010 |
Stive, Marcel J. F. |