Internal factors of Albanian entities bankruptcy
2017 |
Numani, Eni |
Service quality and its competitive advantage : case study of a hotel
2017 |
Butnaru, Gina-Ionela |
A probability on a heuristic Subset of integers that it is a metric space
2017 |
Farhadian, Reza |
Again about Andrica's conjecture...
2017 |
Ioan, Catalin Angelo |
Axiomatic analysis of the semi-fuzzy poverty indices MIf and PGf
2017 |
Fikri, Majda |
Using quantitative and mixed research methods in marketing : a meta-analytic approach
2017 |
Jemna, Ligia Muntean |
New approach for monetary valuation of the statistical life
2017 |
Fistung, Frantz Daniel |
Foreign direct investments and the real convergence : an approach for Romania and Bulgaria
2017 |
Cocriş, Vasile |
Monetary policy and bank excessive risk-taking
2017 |
Zaghdoudi, Taha |
Fiscal evasion in the Republic of Kosovo
2017 |
Peci, Bedri |
The importance of association for smart, sustainable and inclusive development of rural area
2017 |
Trifan, Daniela |
Length of service versus employee retention factors : hotels in Cape Town, South Africa
2017 |
Ezeuduji, Ikechukwu Onyekwere |
Factors influencing training effectiveness : evidence from public sector in Bahrain
2017 |
Ehsan Saeed Idrees Yaqoot |
The economic geography of South Africa's international tourism industry
2017 |
Rogerson, Christian M. |
The effects of the structural funds on the Romanian economic growth
2017 |
Oncioiu, Ionica |
The determinants of government expenditure : analysis of the empirical literature from 1995 to 2016
2017 |
Maluleke, Glenda |
Financial development and economic growth nexus in Nigeria : further evidence from long-run estimates
2017 |
Osisanwo, Bukonla Grace |
The impact of information communication technologies (ICTs) on tourism businesses in East London, South Africa
2017 |
Tichaawa, Tembi Maloney |
Investigating the relationship between financial development, trade openness and economic growth in Argentina : a multivariate causality framework
2017 |
Tsaurai, Kunofiwa |
Common agricultural policy in the context of the new challenges
2017 |
Ionescu, Victor-Romeo |