Introducktion : [Peatlands archeological sites - archives of nature - nature conservation - wise use ; Proceedings of the peatland Conference 2002 in Hannover, Germany / Andreas Bauerochse, Henning Haßmann Eds.. Rahden 2003]
2003 |
Bauerochse, Andreas |
The Neolithic settlement site Hunte 1 near lake Dümmer in Diepholz District Lower saxony, Germany : a survey
2003 |
Kossian, Rainer |
Peat bog corpses
2003 |
Pieper, Peter |
Bog-bodies in Lower Saxony : rumours and facts ; An analysis of Alfred Dieckś sources of information
2003 |
Eisenbeiß, Sabine |
Wet archaeological sites : problems of research and conservation
2003 |
Kobylinski, Zbigniew |
Analysis and conservation of perishable artifacts from windover Bog, Florida
2003 |
Adovasio, James M. |
Subfossil oaks from bogs in NW Europe as a dendroarchaeological archive
2003 |
Leuschner, Hanns-Hubert |
International tendencies and perspectives of peatland use und conservation
2003 |
Joosten, Hans |
The wise use of peatlands : The backgrounds and princeples of the IPC/IMCG approach
2003 |
Joosten, Hans |
Bissendorfer Moor in the Hannoversche Moorgeest
2003 |
Schmatzler, Eckard |
Campemoor : Neolithic trackways and environmental change
2003 |
Bauerochse, Andreas |
Excursion to the Dümmer basin
2003 |
Merkt, Josef |
The utilization of mires and woodland pasture in northwestern Germany
2003 |
Freund, Holger |
The development of bogs and their importance for the history of climate and habitation
2003 |
Behre, Karl-Ernst |
Early neolithic peatland sites in Dümmer region
2003 |
Metzler, Alf |
Early Mesolithic peat bog sites on the Upper Volga
2003 |
Zhilin, Mikhail |
Wooden idols from wetlands
2003 |
Capelle, Torsten |
The Windover Bog site : an unexpected window into Florida Archaic
2003 |
Illingworth, J.S. |
Peatlands of Canadaś western boreal forest
2003 |
Vitt, Dale H. |
The Archaeology of dredges material in deposit areas : a preview of the Rostock example
2003 |
Behm, Holger |